Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Unit 2 - The Moneran kingdom and the viruses


Monerans are unicellular living things. This kingdom includes bacteria, the most abundant of all living things.


Bacteria are the smallest and simplest living things, and can only be seen through a microscope.

Most bacteria feed on other organisms, but some bacteria make their own food.

Bacteria can be foound everywhere in the world. They can live in all kinds of evnironments: in water, soil, air or inside other living things.

Some bacteria are helpful, like the ones used to make yoghurt, but other are harmful, like the ones that cuase cholera.


Viruses are not included in any of the five kingdoms because they are not considered living things. 
They cannot perform vital functions (nutrition, interaction, reproduction) on their own. A virus is not a cell. It is a microscopic body that can only reproduce inside living things. Viruses may cause illnesses (influenza gripe, measles sarampión, chicken pox varicela etc.)

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